My dear friend, today is God's day of wisdom for you. God wants to shower you with His wisdom. Proverbs 28:26 says, “Those who trust in themselves are fools, but those who walk in wisdom are kept safe or are saved from destruction.”

Wisdom is the power to excel in this world. Not just worldly wisdom, not just human wisdom, but God's wisdom. God's wisdom is different from worldly wisdom. Worldly wisdom teaches you how to overcome others and gain benefits for yourself, but this often leads to hurt and hate. Yes, people gain power through worldly wisdom, but how do they use it? Many use it to destroy others, especially those they perceive as threats. Worldly wisdom is destructive, and ultimately, it destroys those who rely on it. Human wisdom may elevate a person for a time, but it often leads to pride and selfishness, which eventually brings about their downfall. But God's wisdom is the wisdom that is in Jesus Christ. The Bible says in Colossians 2:3, “In Jesus are hidden all treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”

What is the wisdom which Jesus had? When jealous people rose up against Him, envious of the thousands who followed Him, of how He helped the people, cared for the poor, and embraced the forsaken, the jealous leaders of His time could not bear it. They falsely accused Him, misused governmental powers to have Him arrested, and even nailed Him to the cross. But they did not stop there. As Jesus endured His physical pain on the cross, they stood before Him, accusing and mocking Him. And what did Jesus do? Did He plead, “I am innocent, save Me”? Did He justify Himself before those wicked powers? Or did He use His divine authority to curse those who cursed Him? He did none of these. Jesus never relied on man's wisdom or man's power. Instead, He displayed God's wisdom.

God's wisdom is to love, love, and love. God's wisdom is to conquer hate through love. Yes, His wisdom destroys the hate and selfishness that come through worldly and human wisdom through His love. When Jesus hung on the cross, He said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Jesus knew He was the ONLY way of salvation for all humanity. So, from the cross, He prayed for those who wronged Him, saying, “Forgive them, Lord. They know not what they do.” He said, “Only I have the power to forgive. I must forgive.” That is the wisdom of God, which was revealed through His love. Today, that is why we hail Him as God, the One who holds all power yet chooses to endure the sufferings we experience and still forgives His enemies. He forgives even those who wrong Him. We, too, have wronged the Lord, yet He has forgiven us. Through His forgiveness, we have become the children of Jesus.

You, too, can become a child of Jesus. You may say, “I have worldly wisdom,” but if that wisdom is causing you to hurt others or work to destroy others just so you can thrive, it is not God's wisdom. You may have human wisdom and have risen to the top, but if it has brought selfishness and pride into your heart, you will find no peace.

Today, ask for the wisdom of Jesus. His wisdom will keep you safe. His wisdom will make you a child of God. With His wisdom, you will be a blessing to thousands, and everyone will love you. May God give you this grace.

Loving Lord Jesus, I humbly come before You, seeking the wisdom that only You can give. Fill my heart with Your divine love and with Your wisdom that conquers hate and selfishness. Help me to walk in Your ways and reject pride and worldly ambitions. Teach me to forgive those who have wronged me just as You forgave those who hurt you on the cross. Let Your wisdom guide me to be a blessing to others, spreading Your love and kindness. Please help me to rely on Your wisdom and not the fleeting wisdom of this world. Grant me the grace to choose love over hate, humility over pride, and selflessness over greed. In Your wisdom, keep me safe and draw me closer to You each day.  
In Your mighty name, I pray. Amen.