My friend, today's promise is from Psalm 103:5, which says, "The Lord satisfies your desires with good things." Accordingly, the Lord is going to satisfy you with the good things in your life. This is God's promise for you. He wants to renew your life as the youth of an eagle. Today, you may feel tired. You might say, "I've lost everything. I'm a failure in all that I do. I have no strength to carry on. I have no revelations about the future." But take heart! God is going to satisfy your desires with good things and lift you up like an eagle.

Perhaps you're not receiving the right returns for your labour. You may feel discouraged. But the Lord promises to fulfill the desires of your heart with good things. God always wants to give you good things. When you walk in the ways of the world, you may receive worldly things. However, only Jesus can give you the good things that last because He has overcome the bad things brought by the devil and the world through His sacrifice on the cross. So, offer yourself as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to Jesus. Tell Him, "I trust You, Lord. Only You can give me good things. So, I surrender my life to You. I will walk in the holy path as a living sacrifice, trusting only in You at all times." When you walk this path, the good things Jesus purchased for you through His sacrifice will flow into your life. One by one, the blessings of the Lord will come to you.

Look at the life of Jacob. He said, "I went forth with just a rod, all alone. But God met me, and I met Him. I walked with Him, and He led me. Today, I have returned with two portions; An abundance of blessings in double measure, tremendous riches, and honour. God has spoken to me, and He has been my God." Also, consider the life of Isaac. The king of his country was jealous of him and worked against him. Each time Isaac dug a well, the king's servants would come and close it. Yet Isaac persisted. He would dig another well, and God would bless it with water, but his enemies would drive him away again. Finally, he dug a well in another place, and God brought water there, too. This time, his enemies left him alone. Then God led Isaac to Beersheba, where He blessed and multiplied him a hundred times over. Although wicked people tried to harm him, Isaac kept doing his work, trusting in God. And God gave him a hundredfold blessing. 

My friend, He will do the same for you. God will give you a hundredfold blessing in your family, in your health, in your wisdom, in your reputation, in your finances, and most importantly, in your walk with Him. Follow Jesus, who paid the price on the cross for you, and look up to Him for every blessing.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your promise to satisfy my desires with good things. I come to You weary and broken, trusting in Your unfailing love. Renew my strength like the eagle’s and fill my life with Your blessings. I surrender my life as a living sacrifice to You, believing that You will make me holy and acceptable to You. Like Isaac and Jacob in the Bible, let me also witness Your abundant blessings and faithfulness. I place my trust in You, Lord, for You are my provider and sustainer, and You will bestow Your double-fold blessings on me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.